
Recap of Our School’s Celebration of the Polytechnic uprising (November 17th) Anniversary.

adminENGLISH1 month ago21 Views

On Friday, 15th November, our school came together to honor the 51st anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising of 1973, a pivotal moment in Greece’s history that symbolizes the fight for democracy and freedom. The event was organized by the students of the 1st year of our high school, Mr. Giannis Balasis, mathematician, 

assisted by Giannis Giroukis, Chemistry teacher, Anastasia Valma, philologist and Olga Bletsi, music teacher. The event highlighted the importance of remembering the courage and sacrifice of the students who stood against oppression during the dictatorship era.

The Event Highlights:

• Opening Ceremony: The program began with a heartfelt introduction by Gourniezaki Irini, philologist, who emphasized the importance of that historic event of paramount importance and the relevance of the Polytechnic Uprising to today’s values of freedom and justice.

• Student Performance:

A moving theatrical reenactment of the events of 1973 showcased the bravery of the student movement.

Students also and performed songs inspired by the struggle for democracy!!

• Historical Presentation: 

  Visuals and firsthand accounts narrated by the students, provided an insightful overview of the events leading up to the uprising and its aftermath. making the history come alive for the audience

This commemoration served as a reminder of the enduring power of youth and collective action. It inspired our students to cherish and uphold the principles of freedom, justice, and democracy in their own lives.


to all the teachers and students who did a great job!!!

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